Paging long articles in Classic ASP

Long articles are better broken into bite-sized chunks over several pages. With static HTML, this is easily achieved by dividing the article into logical separations and creating separate .htm files for each. Here's how to do it using ASP for an article that gets posted to a database.

split() returns a one-dimensional zero-based array containing a number of substrings, so it is perfect for this job. What I want to do is take an article (which is a string) and divide it into substrings. In order to do this, I need a delimiter, and I use <!--pagebreak-->. As I enter the article into the database, I place <!--pagebreak--> at the points I want to break the article.

Then, having extracted the article from the database as part of a recordset, and consigned it to the variable article, I use split() to create an array, with each element of the array being a page.

article = "This <!--pagebreak--> is <!--pagebreak--> a <!--pagebreak--> 
paged <!--pagebreak--> article"

Some articles may be small enough not to require paging, so we check to see if this is one that has been divided into pages on entry into the database

if instr(article,"<!--pagebreak-->") then
  pages = split(article,"<!--pagebreak-->")

I add 1 to ubound(pages) to take account of the fact that this array is zero based

totalpages = ubound(pages)+1 

I need to keep track of which is the current page

if request.querystring("page") = "" then 
  currentpage = 1
  currentpage = cint(request.querystring("page"))
end if
if pageno > totalpages then pageno = totalpages

I write out the contents of the current page of the article - not forgetting that I need to adjust the value by deducting 1 for the zero-based array

response.write "<br><strong><font color=""red"">"
& pages(currentpage-1) & "</font></strong><br>" 

And then the links from one page to the next at the bottom.

for j = 1 to totalpages
  if j = currentpage then
    response.write "&nbsp;" & j & "&nbsp;"
    response.write "&nbsp;<a href=""article_paging.asp?page=" & _
    & j & """>" & j & "</a>&nbsp;"
  end if
end if